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November 21, 2005 

New Attitude

As an extrovert, I was able to "recahrge" and the over-due charge of my batteries. Now after the past weekend where I was able to "relax" and unwind and even have a few revolations (which needs to happen to make it a "relaxing"), I figured out a few things and I want to record that I did that and so I remember and look back on this and say, "yes dustin, yes you did."

I have a new attitude. It's not even a new attitude, but a recharged attitude. But then again, I guess it's not because it's never like before. I am no in deep thought about what and where and why anymore. I know. Or at least, I know enough. Enough to move along and to get going. I have my tools and my life and things again are going great. I faith is never strong. (I am not Christan anymore, as you seen from previous posts.) I am starting to believe. I am believing in what is to come. I can imagine and vision it and I see it. What's even clear then that is the things that I am going to do and the deep impact I have and going to have. (wooo, I can't wait till those days get here)

There is so much I am...how would you say...unified by. I know what I am. I know what I came from. I know where I'm going. I know who'll be there. I know i'll be meeting people. I know it's going to be hard work BUT, I choose to do it because of the benifits. I CHOOSE to not take any substanced to make me have fun because my people have suffered enough from those. I CHOOSE to make things intresting and pleasable to me because I am the only one who CHOOSES to do so. I CHOOSE to create, promote and allow, (or even not do those) in my life. I CHOOSE to love myself as much as my creator intended for me. In which I love him back. I CHOOSE to believe and to think what I think. I also CHOOSE to change everything about me as time goes because I am not in love with the person I am today. I am not in love with the person I was before. I am in love with the person who's going to be me, who was me and of course, most importantly, the here and now.


MR.Rivers. You have come from a long line of strong people and will continue that legacy. You have already begun the steps to make this happen. Look at the people around you and YOUR people with you. You have strong people now and before. You will add breath to that fire where the embers will be a flamming fire to rejuvinate the earth. You have all the love in the world. People love you. You love you. Your family loves you. You are an intelegent man who has knowledge beyond his years. You are a powerfull radical who breaks out of STATUS-QUO and will change ways. You are independant and determined and can commit to anything YOU CHOOSE TO. You will acomplish what you planned to as a child growing up and you will make those dreams happen. You will be with your people one day but that day is far away and your going to make your people be HERE! Remember your contact. LIVE your contract everday. Listen to your STRETCH, when you need to remember all of this. You have the ability and remember, the ANCIENT WIDSOM is there, but it's not on the computer or in your house. It's in your heart and mind and that house is not the place to re-live it. LEAVE, expand, and exerpence everything you are ment to experence. The child in you loves you and will continue to love you, for as long as you live. LIVE forever as a ancient breath, you powerfull valliant man. LIVE IT. DO IT. SURIVE IT. SUSTAIN IT.

From, the green child
Love you, you.

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About me

  • I'm Rivers
  • From the village of Xwemelch'stn, Sḵwxwú7mesh-ulh
  • Dustin Rivers is a writer and community organizers of indigenous origins. He is of two tribes: Sḵwxwú7mesh and 'Namgis. He has a flare for action and contemplative meme's. He offers indigenous polemics, simply because he does not want a myopic political future for his people. Objective number one is to give breath to the noble way; a decolonize pose in life. Life, culture, and the writings of an inspired-youth.
My profile