July 28, 2006 

No Justice On Stolen Land

Photo's taken by the fabolous Nancy Bleck

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July 19, 2006 

OldManRivers Genesis Day

XWEMELCHSTN UXWUMIXW, OCCUPIED SALISH TERRITORY - 17 years ago to this day, in Lions Gate hospital, OldManRivers wasn't very old. He was born to the wonderful parents of Deborah Baker and Kevin Rivers. I very much doubt they expected their son to become who I am today. Or even accomplish as much as I have in the short period I have walked this plain of exsistance. But I am ever grateful for my life and I thank them very much for it.

Rolling around in bed, with your mind roaring as the elaho river spashing around aganst my rock of set way, my thoughts spread when ever I am settled without distractions. I notice it when I'm in my beautiful sacred territory (the land that has not been settled on by settlers). My mind beings to move into sync with my spirit and body. For once I am somewhat still. Still enough to pay attention to my mind, and possibly my heart. The same thing happens when I try to close my eyes to sleep. Sleep a night of rest to heal from a hard days work or doing, or not doing. But tonight I cannot help but think of what I want to
be, do and have. Important questions from my people in my head; "What is it that you will do for your people?", "How are you going to help your people?", and "What position/responsibility/task are you going to carry and use for the people?"

Yet I know whatever I do choose, I will do that with the most committment and care that will be talked about for generations. I am destined for greatest, as I have already felt this. But the path lays before me and I must make choices.
Strange times it is for all our peoples. If I were to become a orator, historian, hunter, canoe builder, teacher, shaman, prophet, medicine man, warrior or even fisherman, I would give breath to the noble way, being an emissary to kexe7nek siyam. What will I become to help my people is a hard question to awnser.

Is it set in stone? But the training involved will be hard, but I feel ready and feel the need to. We're in a crisis here and there are thing that need to be done. Filling ancient positons amon
g the community is one of them. Apprenticship is another. And raising a family in the core values, teachings and beliefs of our ansestors is the final. I feel ready to do somthing for my people. There is no higher purpose but service. To offer service to others in any way possible is the greatest purpose one can do. It all comes down to choice, always. Living one moment at a time is a strong tool. Paradox, humor and change.

Decisions, decision, decision...

I now know what I will choose.

I make this choice with the most confidence and determination a young 17 year old man can make, that may or may not have a ancient spirit living inside him. Kexe7nek siyam has issued many gifts and continues to do so. I know by wanting to fill this position for my people, I will do somthing my ansestors can be proud of.

Another day has passed, but today and from here on in, OldManRivers begins his journey to change his life to become what he wants to be, doing the things nessicary, to have completly a life of living. OldManRivers ends one part of his journey, and raises his hands to everything apart of that lifetime, and begins his next. Like the conception before birth, the OldManRivers begins part I in the begining of his journey to become everything he wants to be.

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About me

  • I'm Rivers
  • From the village of Xwemelch'stn, Sḵwxwú7mesh-ulh
  • Dustin Rivers is a writer and community organizers of indigenous origins. He is of two tribes: Sḵwxwú7mesh and 'Namgis. He has a flare for action and contemplative meme's. He offers indigenous polemics, simply because he does not want a myopic political future for his people. Objective number one is to give breath to the noble way; a decolonize pose in life. Life, culture, and the writings of an inspired-youth.
My profile