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March 29, 2006 

Ask OldManRivers

Yes ladies and gentlemen, today is that oh so special day. To kick off the begining of this new column, I have assembled some questions that will intreague (especially with my anwsers). Now, for those reading this for the first time. This is a new column called "Ask OldManRivers". People can send in quesitons to moi and I anwser them every wednesday. If you would like to e-mail me some questions, leave a question in the comments or send an e-mail to onlineblogger@gmail.com


Questions for March 29th

-How important are Indigenous languages to the continuing existence of Indigenous peoples?

To continue the exsistance of the indigenous people would imply, not being assimilated. Although adaptation is neccisary, the ability to stay with the strong structure our ansestors followed makes most sence. What our ansestors did for thousands of years, worked. And to put simply, it would work for us. Not that I'm saying "OldManRivers is a traditionalist", because that would be false. The thing about "continuing the exsistance of the indigenous people" is that we have to be rooted in our beliefs in values. Our people were strict in teaching this and passing it on. It's only been since colonization that the protocal has been laxed and thus, creating not only cultural village differences but actualy "family cultural differences". The thing about knowing our language is that the way our people though in our language. The idea behind decolonization is that we beging to think, walk and talk like how our ansestors did. To "think" like our ansestors means we must be able to "think" in the language OF our ansestors. How different would are people be if we thought in our languages. This goes into the "mind over matter" senerio because, if we can think in our languages, we begin to walk like them. Once we have two out of three, the third falls into place like a domino effect because of the strength in our culture.

What the language is brings meaning and purpose to our exsistance. The language was spirit in essence and powerfull in action. The words worked like art to convey everything it ment. Our people were strongly spiritual (correction: not religious) and they're way of life included spirituality. Our languages is rooted in spirituality. You want to prayer like our ansestors? Then how can to accuritly or truthfully do that without praying in the language of our ansestors. You want to live your life like your ansestors? Can't do that without the language of our ansestors. For all those seeking to find "idenity" as an indigenous person, it requires you to be indigenious. To be indigenous means to know the language. To think in the language, walk in the languages, and talk in the language. I would imagine, that problem solving, thought provoking and genious idea's would flow very differently if it was rooted in our language. I believe Albert Einstein said it well for me...

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

- How did you get so wise?

I guess the anwser to this question would be to define "wise":

wise- adj.
Having the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; sagacious: a wise leader.

I would not call myself wise although I do find it to be a complement, so thank you. For this we would have to look back at the history of OldManRivers. Fortunaly I was raised by an elder from an older and simpler time. It was her who showed me a way to the right path. This instill of the teachings, culture and language was the rock leaving the hand about to start skipping. Although, in retrospect, she didn't do a whole lot compared to the rest of my life but it has been the most important thing in my life. From what she opened up for me, I was able to continue my growth. This lead to me learn more of my heritage. This included people in my family and my ancient history. The story's she told me about my ansestors such as xwupu7kinem/xwechtaal showed me the stregnth and power my lineage had. It showed me how much strength I had on my Kwakwaka'wakw side of lineage. All of this added up to me knowing I came from mighty and powerfull people that flowed down to my family/people. Knowing that this power was given to them for a reason and that they did wonderfull things for the people because of it. That this legacy left me with the choice to not only want to strive to be better then them, but to show other people that this life style works amazingly for our people. I guess the simple awnser would be, I've always had a thurst for knowledge, but it's been what I've done with the knowledge that I've learned so much.

Another anwser would be; all of the suffering and hardship I endured through my younger years that made me stronger. All the internal and external struggles made me strong and wise because of the experence behind it. Hence the reason, I live for the experence of life.

- How do you get your kids to leave home?


- Christian, yes or no?

I'll be extremly open and straight forward with my fans and readers: (Warrning)
Here is OldManRivers straight forward believes. Although, he never intends to force these on people but does respect other peoples believe (to a certain extent).

God - does not exsist
Jesus - does not exsist
Heaven - does not exsist
Hell - notta.
Angels - nope.
Sin - nope.
Satan - nope.

It's like I say, you pray to your god, I'll pray to mine and we'll see who anwsers. I believe in kexe7nek siyam. He gives me purpose and strength. It's because of him that I do everything I do. Negative or Positive, he teaches me one way or the other. My people, among others, have been brainwashed into believing in this 'Christian God' who, if you believe will go to heaven. I say balloni! Balloni to that idea and balloni to everyone who believes it. I am glad and thankfull every of my life that I am no longer a brainwashed Christian. If I was, I would never want to accomplish the thing I want, nor would I ever actualy do them. (No viva la revolution for OldManRivers)

- OldManRivers, I am amazed by you and you are my hero. I want to know, who are your hero's?

Superman, V, Malcolm X, Xwupukinem, the Zapitista's movement, Andrew (Andy) Paull, Myself,

- I can't wait till you become a politician for our people.

I say this strongly and proudly: I will never become an elected chief, nor councillor. OldManRivers become a indian politican means that OldManRivers would cease to exsist. He would become everything he so proudly and valliantly wants to take down. (Talking in third person makes me sound cooler)

After 3 weeks of my mother being on Counciler I realized, "I never want to do this, ever". This was because being a politican is not my life passion. It is not the avenue for change I want to walk. It's counter-productive for what I want to set an example for and what I want to accomplish. There is also the hypothetical situation that I would become corrupted like our current politicans have become. I see this indigenous revolution not taking place in band office or council tables, but the hearts and minds of the indigenous peoples. It's my strong belief that society sets the way goverments run and opperate, not the other way around. I will move society into a way that I hope is the right direction. We shall see if I'm right because if the creator didn't want me to do this, I wouldn't be doing it. My purpose in life is to give breath to the noble way as a humble emissary. I will not do this as a councillor. I will do it as a person.

- Why are there not monkey's that look like Oriental people?

Thunderbird, Man1, man2 were my ansestors. My ansestors were, as some would say, "mythical birds and animals", but I believe the white mans ansestor is the monkey. They are so in love with this animal and believe they were it that they must be it. My ansestor was a thunderbird, the whiteman's ansestor was a monkey.

Oriental people are...umm... no idea. A dragon?

- What's your problem you a#@ hole, why do you hate Christianity so much?

I do no hate Chrisitanity. I don't agree with practices or teaching of christianity. If I do succeed, Christianity wasn't strong enough to survive 1 indigenous man.

- Autobots or Decepticons?

Let's face it. Starscream was a tool with a loud screechy voice. Megatron was an even bigger tool. Autobots the entire way.

<----------------------------------------:::::::: ::::::::---------------------------------------->

Haha! I like how you spell balloni!

If anyone wants me to anwser your questions send an e-mail to onlineblogger@gmail.com

Check back again, next wednesday.

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About me

  • I'm Rivers
  • From the village of Xwemelch'stn, Sḵwxwú7mesh-ulh
  • Dustin Rivers is a writer and community organizers of indigenous origins. He is of two tribes: Sḵwxwú7mesh and 'Namgis. He has a flare for action and contemplative meme's. He offers indigenous polemics, simply because he does not want a myopic political future for his people. Objective number one is to give breath to the noble way; a decolonize pose in life. Life, culture, and the writings of an inspired-youth.
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