a legend...
I'll tell you the story of a boy would grow up to be a great man. This boy came from a long line of great predesocors from the boys liniage. This boy, who was abandoned at a young age, would be raised by his powerful grandmother. She would teach him everything he need to set out on his trail. It would be because of her, he would become a great man.
He walked and ran this path and would have sticks and stones thrown at him. Somtimes he would even fall. But this boy got back up. He had hard times and tribulation but this made him stronger. He would become an adventure seeking, knowledge thirsting, radical emmisary young man set out to change the way things are because of his purpose. He learned to love life and live it to his abilites because he knew what his gifts in life were. His gifts from kexe7nex siyam, who gave it to him.
He was not a "Chief" or to become one. He was not a joke or a care-less man. He was not heartless or lazy. He was not an idiot or stupid. He was not sympathetic or apathetic. He was not fake. He was not weak or poor. He was not a drinker or a smoker or a drugger. He was never, a man with out words. This young man was a orange-green man.
He would be a rock thrown into the lake, spreading ripples to everyone around him and have a touch on many peoples lives. He would step out of "status-quo" and of the box. He would defy the "rules" and what is "ment" of him. He would change the way people think, to think of the old way, the noble ways. He would effect many people as people have effected him. This is his gift.
He would go through a program called CHOICES and meet many wonderful people. For it had not been for Choices he would of died and this legend would be short. He would have a profound experence and treat everything from there on as an important experence. He would party, laugh and more importantly live, alive. This young man then could then say "I AM A CONFIDENT DETERMINED MAN WHO GIVES BREATH TO THE NOBLE WAY AS A HUMBLE EMMISARY". And it was true.
This young man, part Skwxwu7mesh-ulh and part Kwakwak'awakw, would set out to de-colonze the world and add air to the flame of the indigenous peoples embers. By stepping out and speaking out this man shook the tree and many things fell out. This young man was destined to be a powerfull valiant man. He came from a long time of great ansectors, such as xwupukinem, tsekanhtn, sxelaltn, tlakwa, and Andrew Paull.
This is the legend of a boy who then was a young man who would become a old man. (As some would call him "Old Man Rivers") But you see this Legend hasn't ended. It still goes on. It will go on for a very long time.
Anonymous said on Thursday, 13 October, 2005 |
Matt Asay joining as regular contributor to Open Resource
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